About Us

At Shafisons Engineering (Private) Limited, we aim to be the most valuable solution provider of plastic pipe systems, unrivaled in terms of quality, reliability, affordability, availability, technical innovation, and customer satisfaction”.

Our entire management is committed to the motto of “Service and Quality” where a customer-driven approach is demonstrated by providing excellent products and services that are the result of constant improvement and innovation at the highest quality level. We feel proud to revolutionize the pipe industry in Pakistan by introducing plastic materials to replace traditional metallic and concrete systems.
At SSEPL, we manufacture multiple pipe systems for various applications mainly utilizing three different materials, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polypropylene Random Copolymer (PPRC), and High-Density Polyethylene (PE-100). Our product range covers PVC-U and PE-100 Pressure pipes for potable water applications, PVC-U Electrical conduit systems, PVC-U Soil, Waste and Vent (SWV) pipes and fittings, PPRC pipes and fittings for above-ground hot and cold-water supply applications. Our ‘Customer Care’ department offers a variety of services including technical support, design proposals and estimates, customized tools and techniques which are to be followed up by regular feedback in order to enhance customer satisfaction and user experience.

Our Vision

Shafisons Engineering Private Limited aims to be the most valuable solution provider of plastic pipe systems, unrivaled in terms of quality, reliability, affordability, availability, technical innovation, and customer satisfaction.

Our Mission

  • To consider the customer as a partner for life!
  • Maintain and enhance quality by strict compliance to local as well as international standards, with further introduction of state-of-the-art quality control procedures and practices.
  • To provide the best value to the customer at the most affordable prices backed by a strong market presence
  • Harness innovation to become a symbol of Technology Leader.


Best Quality


Excellent Service


Team Work



Core Values


To deliver the best quality product and services.


Being honest and ethical in all interactions, maintaining the highest ethical standards in each activity.


To maintain the commitment with all the stakeholders for sustainability in the pursuit of vision.


To Encouraging and promoting excellence through innovation and creativity, rigor and pragmatism.


To Encouraging equal employment opportunities for the people from every aspect of life.

Our Clients

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